Yemen -Taiz

The Coalition of Humanitarian Relief issues his report about the situation in Taiz during July 2017. This report includes the humanitarian situation and material losses were recorded during July/2017, because of the war in the city. Added, the state of the main services inside the city.
CHR announced in his report that, there are 78 families lost their householders. In addition, there are 8 children, 13 women and 37 adults have been lost. In the another side, 11 children, 9 women, 68 adults were injured. Not only this, also, 104 householders were injured, too.
The CHR refers in his report that, there are 468 orphans, 624 persons left without householders as a result of the war during July 2017. Moreover, 19 houses, institutions, trucks, properties have been completely or partly destroyed due to the war in different areas in the city.
CHR confirms in his report that, water service, electricity, medical and sanitation services are still out of order. In addition, there is a critical lack of medicine in the hospitals and medical centers and units. Also, the INGOs cannot transfer the medicines to the majority of the districts in the city because of the war. In contrast, there was a visit from the International Red Cross to the city during the last month. As a result, they signed many agreements with the Local Council and other Institutions to implement many projects in the city. In addition, there were 12 thousand Food Baskets from King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre. These Food Baskets will be distributed between the injured and Disabled people.
Regarding the displacement, CHR referred that there are 17 families has been forced to leave their houses to live under the sun or in the camps. These families are related to different areas as Alshaqab, Mata’e and Alkhalwah in the southern and western suburbs. However, these displaced families did not receive any humanitarian aids or relief aids from any party or institution public or private. Therefore, they are suffering from the bad natural conditions. CHR wants to inform in his report that the main factor of the suffering in this city is the disappeared of 67 thousand public and private employees’ salaries since 10 months. CHR added,what has been given to some of the employees in the education office and some of the Taiz University employees before was only a salary of one month, and the ignoring of the rest in the other offices kept the suffering in the city without any real change.
Added, the medical situation in the city is a real suffering faces the citizens in this damaged city. According to the report, if you visit any of the medical units or centers in the city you will see the real disaster. There are a lot of citizens (children, women, old men, adults and men) crowed by the doors of these empty units and centers. In addition to, the huge number of injured citizens (children, women, old men, adults and men) who are laying there, too. Not only that, also the spreading of the epidemic diseases between the citizens like Cholera left 1786 person affected or might be affected according to the last month statistics. But no one take it in his consideration from the responsible personalities in the Yemeni Government… Added, there is a lack of the medical aids offered by INGOs to this city which includes a big number of affected people.
Therefore, CHR requests all the Humanitarian Organizations, Institutions and the responsible persons in Yemen to carry their responsibilities towards the people in this damaged and epidemic city, and provide the people with the needed relief aids as soon as possible through the western side( Aden-Turba-Taiz road) which considers a safe road right now .
The Coalition of Humanitarian Relief 
10 Aug 2017
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