Number Talks

Displacement 179567

ornament1179567 of households have been displaced since the beginning of war in Taiz
ornament1(Pumping – Full Destruction – Partial Destruction) The Total of houses, governmental and private facilities damaged during the war in Taiz about 4303

17293 injured persons

ornament1About 17293 of Taiz inhabitants have been injured due to the war

3863 murdered people

ornament1About 3863 of Taiz inhabitants have been murdered due to the ongoing war

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    Our Goals

    • To boost the human values and urgently responding to the essential needs of the conflict - affected people.
    • To develop the principles of effective partnership  with the local organizations and seeking for a membership with the international organizations.
    • To work on restoring social stability and contributing with reconstruction and construction projects.
    • To impart the truth and the real sufferance of people to local and international public-opinion.
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      "Leadership and excellence in humanitarian relief work in the gorernorate."
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    "Providing a relief aid to the affected people in taiz due to the ongoing events through institutions and field committees by coordinating efforts in the distribution of roles and taking an advantage of the local effort to revive and foster human values and communicating with regional and international organizations ."